CBV-19 -High Voltage Circujit Beaker Analyzer, Gas, Oil, Air, Vacuum
CBV-32 -Non-Intrusive testing. Vibration method can be performed while the Circuit Breaker is ONLINE to avoid stopping and opening the breaker to run a test. All dangerous (SF6 Gas) or essential components (vacuum) that may are kept untouched, which makes the CBV-32 safe
CBV-19 -High Voltage Circujit Beaker Analyzer, Gas, Oil, Air, Vacuum
CBV-32 -Non-Intrusive testing. Vibration method can be performed while the Circuit Breaker is ONLINE to avoid stopping and opening the breaker to run a test. All dangerous (SF6 Gas) or essential components (vacuum) that may are kept untouched, which makes the CBV-32 safe and eco-friendly.
CBA-32P -Multifunctional Circuit Breaker Analyzer performing Motion, Timing and Dynamic Resistance Measurements, all in a single test
CBA Win Software -All-in-One Software includes all necessary tools for Testing, Processing, Calculations, Analysis and Interpretation of Results in the Field or in the Laboratory